Saying good bye to Round 2 guitarist Dan! So many great memories!
Aug 26 pick up gig!
After we were flooded out at the Fair we headed over to the Hawg’s Pen to open for Leaving Eden! It was fun seeing Bagga Rags!
Aug 26, Acton Fair
We were sent home due to flooding but we got to see our old friend and guitarist, Harold Wyman!
Aug 20, Meals on Wheels
Fundraiser with lots of cool bands at Riley’s Place in Milford NH
Aug 19 Carousel Lounge
Brother Dan came and joined Leaving Eden playing harmonica!
Charleez Hill Lebanon ME. Aug 13
Dark Rain had a CD release and they put on a great show!
Kingston Days Aug 7!
It was a rainy afternoon, but the big tent kept us dry! Thank you Linda and QUinn for the pics!
Carousel July 23
Such a fun time with Leaving Eden. The sky was beautiful, the ocean looked metallic blue! Michael Kent took the best photos! We love him!